Popular Culture, Geopolitics, and Identity Human Geography in the Twenty-First Century: Issues and Applications | Second Edition

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Details about Popular Culture, Geopolitics, and Identity Human Geography in the Twenty-First Century: Issues and Applications:

Now in a thoroughly revised edition, this innovative and engaging text surveys the field of popular geopolitics, exploring the relationship between popular culture and international relations from a geographical perspective. Jason Dittmer and Daniel Bos connect global issues with the questions of identity and subjectivity that we feel as individuals, arguing that who we think we are influences how we understand the world. Building on the strengths of the first edition, each chapter focuses on a specific theme—such as representation, audience, and affect—by explaining the concept and then outlining some of the emerging debates that have revolved around it. New and updated case studies—including heritage and social media—help illustrate the significance of the concepts and capture the ways popular culture shapes our understandings of geopolitics within everyday life. Students will enjoy the text's accessibility and colorful examples, and instructors will appreciate the way the book brings together a diverse, multidisciplinary literature and makes it understandable and relevant.

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