Language, Culture, and Communication: The Meaning of Messages | Eighth Edition

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Author: Bonvillain Bard College at Simon’s Rock, Nancy
ISBN-13: 9781538114803
List Price: $80.91 (up to 20% savings)
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Details about Language, Culture, and Communication: The Meaning of Messages:

Language, Culture and Communication, Eight Edition, introduces students to the topics and theories of the board field of linguistic anthropology by examining the multifaceted meanings and uses of language. It emphasizes the ways in which language encapsulates speakers' meanings and intentions. Through language structure and language use, speakers convey messages about their own identities, their understandings of the world and their place in it. The book includes discussion of cultural and symbolic meanings conveyed by language and the social and political dimensions of language use. By using data, this book documents both similarities and differences in human language. New to this Edition: Introduction of the theme of intersectionalities, and the theme of discourse and texts Chapter 3: expansion of discussion on the re-examination of linguistic relativity. Chapter 5: expansion of discussion of how social stratification and racial differences can influence the way politeness is interpreted and the contextual expression of politeness. Chapter 6: New section on digital telephone technologies and innovative literacy practices using cell phones. New section on use of social media platforms with national and international statistics and practices. Expansion of Deaf communities and controversy over cochlear implants. Chapter 8: New section on the inclusions and exclusions of Moroccan immigrant children in Spain through communicative interactions and norms. Chapter 9: Expansion of section on race. New section on the covert expression of racist meanings. Chapter 10: New section on gendered speech in Lakhota New section on men's and women's speech in Yanyuwa, Australia New section on conversational style and the gendering of work places New section on language and sexuality Chapter 11: Updates on the distribution of languages worldwide New section on the development of the "American standard." Chapter 12: Expansion of discussion of language and nation building. Expansion of discussion of language shift and language revitalization programs. Chapter 13: expansion of social ideologies and prejudices expressed in public media.

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