A Guide to Writing for Human Service Professionals | Second Edition

ISBN-13: 9781538106204
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Details about A Guide to Writing for Human Service Professionals:
Straightforward and concise, the second edition of A Guide to Writing for Human Service Professionals offers students and professionals practical tools to improve their writing. In his animated and highly accessible teaching voice, Glicken presents the rules of punctuation, grammar, and APA style in jargon-free language that’s easy to understand. Chapters include detailed, real-world examples on how to write academic papers, client assessments and evaluations, business letters, research proposals and reports, papers for mass audiences, requests for funding, and much more. Glicken provides the most comprehensive writing guide available in an engaging and digestible format, including end-of-chapter exercises that allow readers to further practice their writing and critical thinking skills. A Guide to Writing for Human Service Professionals is an invaluable resource for current and future human service professionals across social work, psychology, and counseling. Updates to the Second Edition include: New writing exercises in every chapter to help current and future human service professionals improve critical thinking and expository writing skills New discussion on social media writing, cyberslang, and writing articles for the mass media on issues related to the human services A greater emphasis on the difference between politically correct writing and writing that shows sensitivity to diversity Expanded coverage of critical thinking and writing, conducting research, and plagiarism New examples of resume writing, business letters, and reference letters Expanded discussion of the importance of writing clear mission statements and agency goals