So You Want to Be a Cop: What Everyone Should Know Before Entering a Law Enforcement Career

ISBN-13: 9781538101476
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Details about So You Want to Be a Cop: What Everyone Should Know Before Entering a Law Enforcement Career:
Many children, from the time they are old enough to be attracted to a siren and flashing lights, dream their whole lives of becoming a police officer. As a retired police officer, herself, Alley Evola looks at the daily ins and outs of the job of a police officer. From recruitment, life at the academy, patrol and eventually promotion, she provides a helpful understanding of what you can really expect. She also looks at the current issues, including race and gender, and how these have shaped certain expectations from the public that a police officer needs to be prepared for when working in this field. When you’re young and dreaming you don’t think about the process it will take to become a police officer. And it’s also not evident until after the police academy the many challenges and issues you will face in the field. So You Want to Be a Cop is for everyone who secretly wishes they were a police officer, or is pursuing their dream in hopes of transforming it into reality.