International Trade Law: A Comprehensive Textbook: Customs Law and National Security Volume 2 | Fifth Edition

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Author: Bhala, Raj
ISBN-13: 9781531014346
List Price: $167.05 (up to 0% savings)
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Details about International Trade Law: A Comprehensive Textbook: Customs Law and National Security Volume 2:

 International Trade Law has been thoroughly revised in its fifth edition, building upon the global successes of its predecessor editions. Now in four user-friendly volumes, the textbook allows for the option of a comprehensive, two-semester course, or any combination of one-semester courses. New chapters include discussions on trade and climate change, animal rights, and Indian trade law and policy. Professors who are interested in reviewing the book for course use may request an electronic version by following the link at the bottom of the page. If the book is adopted, a hard copy will be provided. Each volume of International Trade Law is available individually, or a complete set can be purchased here.Testimonials: “In my experience, few books set a first rate standard for students and teachers alike. This textbook does. Its interdisciplinary, non-western orientation, coupled with its coverage of time-honored precepts and contemporary issues, is a novel and timely synthesis.”—Jagdish N. Bhagwati, University Professor (Economics, Law, and International Affairs), Columbia University “Raj Bhala has produced a public good for students, and practitioners alike. This is the most comprehensive textbook on international trade law. Accessible to the un-initiated, and yet valuable to the expert, the four volumes are must read for anyone working or interested in this area of law.”—Petros C. Mavroidis, Edwin B Parker Professor of Law, Columbia Law School“This Textbook masterfully covers the field of International Trade Law. Especially impressive is the seriousness with which it takes the linkages between trade and national security. From crafting trade sanctions and export controls to contesting state-sponsored industrial policy and misappropriation of critical technology, from using free trade agreements to complement defense strategies to addressing extremism through poverty-alleviating trade policies, it’s all here. Appealing to readers who come to this field with diverse backgrounds and interests is not easy. This Textbook, logically organized and elegantly written, does so with ease.”—Matthew C. Waxman, Liviu Librescu Professor of Law, Faculty Chair, National Security Law Program, Columbia Law School“Raj Bhala has done it again. In his trademark style, he has authored another textbook that is a superb “go to” reference for seasoned trade practitioners and, for students, an approachable introduction that covers the legal foundations and cross-disciplinary dimensions of the field. The Textbook effortlessly moves from elementary to sophisticated topics and will appeal as much to new students of international trade as to seasoned experts. The quality of the writing is typical Bhala: clear, efficient and elegant. Perhaps best of all, this Textbook is authentically cosmopolitan, of appeal to readers in Canada and around the globe.”—Paul M. Lalonde, Partner, Dentons Canada LLP, Toronto“This Textbook is the testimony of the intellectual prowess of a scholar’s scholar in the field of International Trade Law. The length and width of the subject are covered in clear, elegant prose, with topics organized and divided in a logical accessible manner that is a delight to read. Careful, indeed compassionate in the cosmopolitan spirit, attention is paid to problems faced by developing countries. Rightly so in the post-9-11 world, the link between trade liberalization and national security is highlighted, and the theme of ‘peace through trade’ is critically explored. This Indian-American, visible as he is in the field of rapid development, should take pride in serving the thankful world trade community with this enlightening and user-friendly Textbook.”—Dr. A.F.M. Maniruzzaman, Chair and Professor of International Business Law, School of Law, University of Portsmouth“As always, Raj Bhala offers thought provoking perspectives and fresh insights that show how and why the international trade regime has become so contested. This latest Textbook is a timely and important contribution to today’s debate about the philosophy, ethics, and outcomes that should shape this regime for the 21 st century.”—Jane Kelsey, Professor of Law, The University of Auckland“In a word, this Textbook is ‘courageous.’ It treats not only the most complex technical matters in International Trade Law, but also the most controversial topics in the field. It probes all sides of each issue, showing the reader the perspectives of competing constituencies in developed, developing, and least developed countries. Especially noteworthy is its sensitive, sensible discussion of human rights issues, including socio-economic, labor, and environmental matters, as they interact within the regime of International Trade Law. Does trade liberalization advance or undermine those human rights? Whether the reader plans a career in Private or Public International Law, this Textbook is indispensable.”—Dr. Shashi Kumar, Associate Professor, Department of Human Rights, School for Legal Studies, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow

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I went to Cornell University for a B.S. and Master's in Electrical and Computer Engineering and to UCSD for a PhD in Computer Science (Distributed Systems, Networking). I've tutored in various subjects for years, including test-based tutoring (such as the SAT or GRE or the algebra II final that some school districts require for graduation) as well as general tutoring - help through the course of a year or semester in Algebra, Calculus, Geometry, etc. I have also worked extensively with student ... Read more

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