Business Organizations: An Experiential Approach
ISBN-13: 9781531012076
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Details about Business Organizations: An Experiential Approach:
Business Organizations: An Experiential Approach seeks to prepare students for the bar exam, upper-level business courses, and the realities of business law practice by covering the fundamentals while also exposing students to real-world business law considerations. At heart, the book's approach marries the case study method utilized in business schools with practice documents and traditional doctrinal approaches. The text maintains reliance on cases, statutes, and legal summaries, but also includes an equal amount of progressively difficult problems: Q&A, case studies, problems, and chapter capstones. The chapter capstone exercises can be incorporated into the curriculum to create a hybrid doctrinal and skills class, or they can be used for evaluation purposes. The text integrates these methods into the fabric of doctrinal learning, reinforcing student learning and giving students early exposure to the practice of business law. The Core Knowledge content for this book will be available for use in Spring 2023.