Benefit Corporation Law and Governance: Pursuing Profit with Purpose | 1 Edition

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Author: Alexander, Rick
ISBN-13: 9781523083589
List Price: $26.18 (up to 69% savings)
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Details about Benefit Corporation Law and Governance: Pursuing Profit with Purpose:

Corporations with a Conscience

Corporations today are embedded in a system of shareholder primacy. Nonfinancial concerns—like worker well-being, environmental impact, and community health—are secondary to the imperative to maximize share price. Benefit corporation governance reorients corporations so that they work for the interests of all stakeholders, not just shareholders.

This is the first authoritative guide to this new form of governance. It is an invaluable guide for legal and financial professionals, as well as interested entrepreneurs and investors who want to understand how purposeful corporate governance can be put into practice.

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