Textiles: Concepts and Principles - Bundle Book + Studio Access Card | 4 Edition

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Authors: Elsasser, Virginia Hencken,Sharp, Julia Ridgway
ISBN-13: 9781501366550
List Price: $74.21 (up to 4% savings)
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Details about Textiles: Concepts and Principles - Bundle Book + Studio Access Card:

Textiles: Concepts and Principles, Fourth Edition provides a thorough approach to the fundamentals of textiles in a readable, nontechnical style, focusing on the interrelationship of textile components to help students understand and predict textile properties and performance to ultimately choose the best textile for their final product. With new co-author Julia Ridgway Sharp, Virginia Hencken Elsasser covers the global textile industry and components of textile products, summarizes laws and regulations affecting the textile industry, and looks into career possibilities, properties, care instructions, end uses of natural and manufactured fibers, yarns, fabrics, coloration and finishes, and the overall impact of textiles on the environment. New to this Edition -Updated information on sustainability, laws and regulations, and technological advancements - New Did you know? feature in each chapter provides thoughtful insights into new developments in the textile industry -Inclusion of imperial and metric measurements for a more global scope STUDIO Features Include -Study smarter with self-quizzes featuring scored results and personalized study tips -Review concepts with flashcards of essential vocabulary -Download additional exercises to practice your skills Instructor Resources -Instructor's Guide with Test Bank provides suggestions for planning the course and using the text in the classroom, supplemental assignments, and lecture notes -Test Bank includes sample test questions for each chapter -PowerPoint® presentations include images from the book and provide a framework for lecture and discussion

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Hi- I love working with people one-on-one. I have an arts background and have been in the high school and college classroom for nearly 10 years. I have been formally trained in SAT (2018), ACT, GED/TASC tutoring. My SAT prep students have generally increased their scores 200-300 points from before working with me to test day. As an artist and media professional, I am fluent in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere Pro, and other softwares. I work with students from community colleges thr ... Read more

Hi- I love working with people one-on-one. I have an arts background and have been in the high school and college classroom for nearly 10 years. I have been formally trained in SAT (2018), ACT, GED/TASC tutoring. My SAT prep students have generally increased their scores 200-300 points from before working with me to test day. As an artist and media professional, I am fluent in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere Pro, and other softwares. I work with students from community colleges thr ... Read more

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