Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection: Principles and Practice | 2015 Edition

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Author: Fukami, Norio
ISBN-13: 9781493920402
List Price: $119.99 (up to 90% savings)
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Details about Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection: Principles and Practice:

This volume educates physicians on the basic knowledge of ESD, from indication of this technique to assessing suitability and technical aspects of each important step. The text is structured to guide readers to understand the principles, including history, why ESD was designed and developed, indications, as well as how to evaluate lesions and perform actual procedures. Abundant photographs and diagrams illustrate the key points and promote “pattern recognition”. The text also introduces gastroenterologists to early gastrointestinal lesions, which have not been recognized in clinical practice for many years. To assist in the treatment process of ESD, highly practical information is provided, separated by different anatomical locations, as well as management of complications. The volume is also accompanied by an online video library. Written by experts in Asian countries with vast experience with this technique, as well as experts from the U.S., South America, and Europe, Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection: Principles and Practice provides a major reference for gastroenterologists and surgeons on ESD.

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