Teaching Students With High-Incidence Disabilities: Strategies for Diverse Classrooms | 1 Edition

ISBN-13: 9781483390598
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Details about Teaching Students With High-Incidence Disabilities: Strategies for Diverse Classrooms:
To ensure that all students receive quality instruction, Teaching Students with High-Incidence Disabilities prepares preservice teachers to teach students with learning disabilities, emotional behavioral disorders, intellectual disabilities, attention deficit hyperactivity, and high functioning autism. Focusing on research-based instructional strategies, Mary Anne Prater gives explicit instructions and strategies for teaching students with special needs, and includes examples throughout in the form of scripted lesson plans. Real-world classrooms are brought into focus through teacher tips, embedded case studies, and technology spotlights to enhance student learning. The book also emphasizes diversity, with a section in each chapter devoted to exploring how instructional strategies can be modified to accommodate diverse exceptional students.