Cases in Intelligence Analysis: Structured Analytic Techniques in Action | Second Edition

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Authors: Beebe, Sarah Miller,Pherson, Randolph H.
ISBN-13: 9781483340166
List Price: $94.36 (up to 43% savings)
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Details about Cases in Intelligence Analysis: Structured Analytic Techniques in Action:

In Cases in Intelligence Analysis, accomplished instructors and intelligence practitioners Sarah Miller Beebe and Randolph H. Pherson offer robust, class-tested cases studies of events in foreign intelligence, counterintelligence, terrorism, homeland security, law enforcement, and decision-making support. In this Second Edition, the authors added five new case studies. Designed to give analysts-in-training an opportunity to apply structured analytic techniques and tackle real-life problems, each turnkey case delivers a captivating narrative, discussion questions, recommended readings, and a series of engaging analytic exercises. The text is logically organized and richly illustrated chapters begin with discussion questions, and a table of techniques precedes each set of exercises. Two hundred photos, maps, figures, tables, boxes, key terms and key takeaways, and technique templates support analysis and instruction.

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