Elementary and Middle School Social Studies: An Interdisciplinary, Multicultural Approach, Eighth Edition | 8 Edition
ISBN-13: 9781478651468
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Details about Elementary and Middle School Social Studies: An Interdisciplinary, Multicultural Approach, Eighth Edition:
The eighth edition continues to be an invaluable resource for creative strategies and proven techniques to teach social studies. Pamela Farris’s popular, reasonably priced book aids classroom teachers in inspiring students to be engaged learners and to build on their prior knowledge. The book is comprehensive and easy to understand—providing instruction sensitive to the needs of all elementary and middle school learners. It provides creative concepts for teaching diverse learners; strategies for incorporating the C3 Framework to enrich K–8 curriculum; integration of inquiry skills with literacy and language arts skills; multifaceted, meaningful activities emphasize problem-solving, decision making, and critical thinking; myriad ideas for incorporating primary sources as well as technology; annotated lists of children’s literature at the end of each chapter; multicultural focus throughout the broad coverage of history, geography, civics, and economics; and NCSS Standards-Linked Lesson Plans, C3 Framework Plans, and Interdisciplinary/Thematic Units. Social studies explores the variety and complexity of human experience. The book emphasizes the value of social studies in preparing students to become valuable community members and to participate respectfully in a diverse society.