The Director's Vision: Play Direction from Analysis to Production, Second Edition | 2 Edition

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Authors: Louis E. Catron,Scott Shattuck
ISBN-13: 9781478611257
List Price: $71.00 (up to 53% savings)
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Details about The Director's Vision: Play Direction from Analysis to Production, Second Edition:

The pursuit of excellence in theatre is well served by the latest edition of this eminently readable text by two directors with wide-ranging experience. In an engaging, conversational manner, the authors deftly combine a focus on artistic vision with a practical, organized methodology that allows beginning and established directors to bring a creative script interpretation to life for an audience. Outstanding features: Offers a logical progression of topics, featuring an extensive treatment of play analysis as well as concrete strategies for planning production values, auditions and casting, rehearsals, and performances. Includes such important topics as ethics, leadership strategies, and problem-solving approaches to blocking movement and coaching actors. Captures the emotion, conflict, style, and substance of the theatre with more than 100 new photos and figures, including a dazzling full-color insert. Ample production photographs demonstrate a wide array of theatrical forms and techniques. Challenges readers to think like a director with end-of-chapter exercises that apply chapter concepts to a theatrical production, offering abundant opportunities for collaboration, discussion, and critical thinking. An extensive glossary as well as appendices on royalties, permissions, and publisher-leasing agents are valuable resources.

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