Supervision: New Perspectives for Theory and Practice

Compare Textbook Prices for Supervision: New Perspectives for Theory and Practice  ISBN 9781475814941 by Glanz Silverstein Chair in Professional Ethics and Values  Azrieli Graduate Schoo, Jeffrey,Zepeda College of Education  University of Georgia, Sally J.
Authors: Glanz Silverstein Chair in Professional Ethics and Values Azrieli Graduate Schoo, Jeffrey,Zepeda College of Education University of Georgia, Sally J.
ISBN-13: 9781475814941
List Price: $122.00 (up to 0% savings)
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Details about Supervision: New Perspectives for Theory and Practice:

Supervision: New Perspectives for Theory and Practice co-edited by two prominent scholars in the field (Jeffrey Glanz and Sally Zepeda),draws attention to supervision as a function that is often misunderstood, under-appreciated, and frequently controversial. Much has changed in the last two decades in the education world. These changes have inevitably influenced the theory and practice of supervision. This text includes some of the top scholars in the field in the USA to offer their insights to important topics and issues in supervision. To strike a balance, the editors also included award-winning practitioners who share their insights about supervision. We hope that this volume raises awareness to several critical issues that affect teachers, administrators, and policy makers. With the range of topics associated with supervision, we believe that the authors offer an informed and lively discussion of supervision in the present and future contexts of schools. Through our efforts, we believe that the multiple contexts in which supervision unfolds are examined alongside trends including high-stakes testing, the uses of data, the work superintendents do to supervise principals, and the type of supervision that builds a just and caring school culture that is culturally relevant and respectful for teachers and leaders.

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