The Madwoman in the Volvo Modern Plays | UK ed. Edition

ISBN-13: 9781474293273
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Details about The Madwoman in the Volvo Modern Plays:
I don't remember exactly when my formerly charming, humorous, omnipotent mother, who would swim a mile out into the ocean to get your beach ball in choppy seas, did the great recede. But she was a tide gradually but irrevocably washing out, she retreated, she receded, she drifted away, and there was nothing anybody could do about it. In ancient times, tribal women went alone to caves during menopause. Today, the 50 million menopausal women in America turn to cheery self-help books. As for Loh and her female friends, they are determined not to go quietly into their sixth decade, but instead opt for a desert festival of debauchery and half-nude stoners. Based on her acclaimed memoir of the same title that Booklist calls “hilarious, comforting and enlightening”, Loh's play is a hilarious, provocative, often moving consideration of what it is to be a woman in a society that values and reveres youth. The Mad Woman in the Volvo received its world premiere on 3 January 2016 at South Coast Repertory, California.