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Passing the General Surgery Oral Board Exam | 2nd ed. 2014 Edition

Compare Textbook Prices for Passing the General Surgery Oral Board Exam 2nd ed. 2014 Edition ISBN 9781461476627 by Neff, Marc A.
Author: Neff, Marc A.
ISBN-13: 9781461476627
List Price: $69.15 (up to 6% savings)
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Details about Passing the General Surgery Oral Board Exam:

Edited by Dr. Marc Neff, Passing the General Surgery Oral Board Exam, Second Edition helps candidates prepare for the General Surgery Oral Board Exam in a different way than other review books. In addition to covering concepts frequently addressed on the test, the review also alerts you to "common curveballs" and "strikeouts"– the unexpected problems or seemingly benign actions (or inactions) that could result in a missed diagnosis or misdiagnosis, and thus result in failure to pass the exam. Fully updated and expanded to reflect the many changes in standards of care, this unique study guide is the first to expose the potential traps and pitfalls of the exam by providing examples of how the questions may be asked and what not to say in response.   Designed to be used in conjunction with medical textbooks and other study guides, Passing the General Surgery Oral Board Exam, Second Edition prepares candidates to think on their feet and answer exam questions confidently and accurately. It is an essential guide for surgical residents, fellows across the surgical subspecialties, and practicing surgeons who are board eligible.

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