National Security Law Aspen Casebook | 6 Edition

ISBN-13: 9781454868323
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Details about National Security Law Aspen Casebook:
The 6th edition of National Security Law not only updates the leading casebook in this field with recent developments, but adds new chapters on extraterritoriality, cyber operations, bulk collection, the structure of habeas, and the procedural path to terrorism trials. Because the continuing rapid growth of the field and of relevant materials has made them harder to teach, this edition also for the first time makes substantial changes in their presentation to make them more teachable. The co-authors have provided questions before each principal case to guide the reader; streamlined the notes and questions after the cases to make them easier to read; and summarized basic principles in a new feature at the end of each chapter. The result is a book that is not only current and comprehensive, but significantly easier to read and teach.