International Social Work: Issues, Strategies, and Programs | Second Edition

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Authors: Cox, David R.,Pawar, Manohar
ISBN-13: 9781452217482
List Price: $94.99 (up to 95% savings)
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Details about International Social Work: Issues, Strategies, and Programs:

International Social Work: Issues, Strategies, and Programs, Second Edition draws together the practice wisdom emerging within the broad scope of international social work practice and its role in contributing to the international community′s efforts in combating the major global social problems of poverty, conflict and postconflict reconstruction, the development of countries and disadvantaged populations, migration and displacement, and the needs of specific populations such as child soldiers and AIDS orphans. Utilizing an integrated perspectives approach incorporating global, human rights, ecological and social development perspectives, the International Social Work, 2e is designed to prepare social workers, human services professionals, development practitioners who desire to play significant roles in responding to modern global challenges that are critical to the well-being of people, communities, nations and ultimately of us all.

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