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Photoshop CS6: The Missing Manual | 1 Edition

Compare Textbook Prices for Photoshop CS6: The Missing Manual 1 Edition ISBN 9781449316150 by Snider, Lesa
Author: Snider, Lesa
ISBN-13: 9781449316150
List Price: $21.79 (up to 83% savings)
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Details about Photoshop CS6: The Missing Manual:

Photoshop CS6 is truly amazing, but it can also be overwhelming if you’re just getting started. This book makes learning Photoshop a breeze by explaining things in a friendly, conversational style—without technical jargon. After a thorough introduction to the program, you’ll delve deep into Photoshop’s secrets with expert tips and practical advice you can use every day.The important stuff you need to know:Learn your way around. Get a guided tour of Photoshop’s beautiful new workspace.Unlock the magic. Discover the most practical ways to use layers, channels, masks, paths, and other tools.Fine-tune your images. Learn techniques for cropping, retouching, and combining photos.Play with color. Drain, change, and add color; and create gorgeous black-and-whites and duotones.Be artistic. Create original illustrations and paintings, use text and filters effectively, and edit video clips.Share your work. Produce great-looking images for print and the Web.Work smarter and faster. Automate common chores and install plug-ins for complex tasks.

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Education: Stow OH
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I help students in many subjects, such as: Photography, GED, and Piano. When students begin to understand that learning can be fun, the whole process becomes exciting and joyful.... Read more

I help students in many subjects, such as: Photography, GED, and Piano. When students begin to understand that learning can be fun, the whole process becomes exciting and joyful.... Read more

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