Psychology of Women: A Handbook of Issues and Theories Women's Psychology | 3 Edition

ISBN-13: 9781440842283
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Details about Psychology of Women: A Handbook of Issues and Theories Women's Psychology:
As societal gender standards continue to shift and the capabilities, strengths, and needs of women become more widely acknowledged and prioritized—even as myths regarding women's leadership, health, and work behavior persist—it becomes increasingly important to understand the psychology of women. This third edition of Psychology of Women provides updated and expanded coverage of this highly significant and relevant subject through diverse perspectives of internationally known scholars in their disciplines, offering synopses of recent research and examinations of key theoretical issues, global initiatives, and practical applications in the workplace, therapy, and educational settings. A resource ideally suited to students in women's studies and the psychology of women as well as for use as a handbook for scholars, faculty members, and specialists in fields relating to the psychology of women, the book covers specific topics such as women in middle age, women's career development and challenges in integrating work and family roles, and the ongoing problem of violence against women. This latest edition also includes best practices of feminist methodologies and information regarding teaching psychology of women courses, and it emphasizes placing value on all women, including women of color, women with disabilities, and lesbian, bisexual, and transgender women.