Defensive Revolver Fundamentals: Protecting Your Life With the All-American Firearm | First Edition Edition
ISBN-13: 9781440236952
ISBN-13: 9781440236952
List Price: $9.16 (up to 43% savings)
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Details about Defensive Revolver Fundamentals: Protecting Your Life With the All-American Firearm:
Progressive, Practical Revolver Training
Defensive Revolver Fundamentals is the complete guide to self defense with the original defensive firearm: the revolver. In this authoritative guide, you'll learn:
- The revolver's advantage in defensive shooting.
- Carrying a concealed revolver.
- Reloading the revolver under stress.
- How to defend against a violent, surprise attack.
- Dealing with more than one aggressor.
- Understanding how your body's natural reaction to a surprise attack should influence your training.
- And much, much more!
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