Brinker, Piermattei and Flo's Handbook of Small Animal Orthopedics and Fracture Repair | 5 Edition

ISBN-13: 9781437723649
ISBN-13: 9781437723649
List Price: $89.87 (up to 14% savings)
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Details about Brinker, Piermattei and Flo's Handbook of Small Animal Orthopedics and Fracture Repair:
- NEW! Advances in joint surgeries, specifically the knee, shoulder, and elbow, keep practitioners abreast of the latest technology and best practices.
- NEW! Coverage of minimally invasive surgery has been added to the many chapters.
- NEW! Advances in imaging (MRI, CT, and radiographs) are included to keep practitioners up to date on the latest technology.
- Updates on new fixation technologies include angle stable interlocking nails and locking plate fracture fixation systems.
- Updates on common surgeries include triple pelvic osteotomy and total hip replacement
- NEW! High-definition clinical photographs have been added to give readers a closer view of various fractures and repair techniques.
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