Crafting Critical Stories: Toward Pedagogies and Methodologies of Collaboration, Inclusion, and Voice Counterpoints | New Edition

ISBN-13: 9781433121593
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Details about Crafting Critical Stories: Toward Pedagogies and Methodologies of Collaboration, Inclusion, and Voice Counterpoints:
Critical storytelling, a rich form of culturally relevant, critical pedagogy, has gained great urgency in a world of standardization. Crafting Critical Stories asks how social justice scholars and educators narrate, craft, and explore critical stories as a tool for culturally relevant, critical pedagogy. From the elementary to college classroom, this anthology explores how different genres of critical storytelling – oral history, digital storytelling, testimonio, and critical family history – have been used to examine structures of oppression and to illuminate counter-narratives written with and by members of marginalized communities. The book highlights the complexity of culturally relevant, social justice education as pedagogues across the fields of education, sociology, communications, ethnic studies, and history grapple with the complexities of representation, methodology, and the meaning/impact of employing critical storytelling tools in the classroom and community.