Teaching Social Studies Today Effective Teaching in Today's Classroom | 2 Edition

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Author: Kathleen Kopp
ISBN-13: 9781425812102
List Price: $19.10 (up to 43% savings)
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Details about Teaching Social Studies Today Effective Teaching in Today's Classroom:

This second edition of Teaching Social Studies Today has been updated to reflect the latest research and today's best practices in social studies instruction. Authored by Kathleen Kopp, this invaluable resource focuses on implementing social studies instruction with a language arts instructional lens. It addresses effective research-supported ways to differentiate instruction, as well as how curriculum can be extended, accelerated, and enriched for the C3 framework. Packed with various teaching methods and techniques, up-to-date research-based theory and practical applications, and easy-to-implement strategies and techniques, this book is essential reading for both novice and seasoned teachers.

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