French Conversation Quickstudy Language English and French Edition | Bilingual Edition

ISBN-13: 9781423236474
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Details about French Conversation Quickstudy Language English and French Edition:
Students and travelers can instantly create hundreds of sentences for communication in French. This 6 page Eguide provides template sentences and a color coded bank of words that can be plugged into those sentences. To change the sentence, pick a different color-coded noun, verb or adjective for a wide range of sentences for communication. Categories follow those of a French 1 course which are the same categories helpful to a world traveler. 6-page Eguide includes: Greetings (les salutations) Social Courtesies (la politesse) Numbers (les nombres) French Pronunciation (la prononciation) Basic Statements Questions (les questions) Expressing Opinions (les opinions) Negatives (la négation) Measurements (les dimensions) Colors (les couleurs) Money (l’argent) Time (l’heure) Days of the Week (les jours de la semaine) Months of the Year (les mois de l’année) Seasons (les saisons) Errands & Shopping (les courses) Directions (les directions) The Family (la famille) Weather (le temps) & Climate (le climat) Personal Information (les renseignements personnels) Food (la nourriture) Habitat (l’habitation) Entertainment (le divertissement) Media & Communication (la communication) Travel (le voyage) Transportation (le transport) Workplace (le travail) Technology (la technologie) Health (la santé) Emergency situations (en cas d’urgence)