California Landlord's Law Book, The: Rights & Responsibilities California Landlord's Law Book : Rights and Responsibilities | 20 Edition

Compare Textbook Prices for California Landlord's Law Book, The: Rights & Responsibilities California Landlord's Law Book : Rights and Responsibilities 20 Edition ISBN 9781413330694 by Rosenquest Attorney, Nils
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Details about California Landlord's Law Book, The: Rights & Responsibilities California Landlord's Law Book : Rights and Responsibilities:

The legal information and forms every California landlord needs Choosing tenants, raising the rent, returning deposits, and maintaining rental property—these are just a few of the things landlords do that are strictly regulated by California law. To minimize vacancies and avoid lawsuits, property owners and managers need to know and comply with federal, state, and local rules, and use the proper legal forms. Fortunately, everything you need is in this book. State-wide rent control and eviction restrictions, plus dozens of local laws, make raising the rent and terminating tenancies a complex challenge. This book includes access to a thorough rent control chart that explains state and local laws and gives information on how to learn more. California is emerging from Covid-era rules on terminations and collecting back-due rent. This book explains current law and how to handle unpaid “Covid rent.” With The California Landlord’s Law Book: Rights & Responsibilities you’ll learn how to:       screen prospective tenants—without discriminating illegally     prepare (and enforce) leases and rental agreements     determine whether the state-wide rent control and eviction protection law applies to your property     collect and return security deposits     raise the rent and change other terms of the tenancy     hire, work with, and fire property managers     keep up with repairs and maintenance     restrict subletting and short-term rentals     act promptly when rent is late, and     terminate a tenancy.

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