Leading With Communication: A Practical Approach to Leadership Communication | 1 Edition

ISBN-13: 9781412994262
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Details about Leading With Communication: A Practical Approach to Leadership Communication:
Leading with Communication, by bestselling authors Teri and Michael Gamble, prepares today′s students to acquire skills, develop a global perspective, and master the technology they need to enhance their visibility and credibility as leaders. Addressing leadership from the students′ perspective, the book facilitates in readers the ability to nurture their leadership and team-building talents. In this way, it helps them understand the leadership concepts and team-building strategies that business and professional communicators working and interacting in 21st-century organizations must master. The book′s emphasis on skills, including its focus on developing the global and technological competencies that support the performance of leadership, promotes in students the ability to think critically and imaginatively. With this text, students will learn to communicate effectively as they also learn how to inspire confidence, foster innovation, and build an effective team. Indeed, they will gain fresh perspectives on how best to integrate skills and knowledge, build trust, and elevate worker performance. Now that′s leading with communication!