Effective Leadership: Theory, Cases, and Applications | 1 Edition

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Author: Humphrey, Ronald H.
ISBN-13: 9781412963558
List Price: $145.56 (up to 95% savings)
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Details about Effective Leadership: Theory, Cases, and Applications:

This innovative book integrates traditional and new leadership theories—including transformational leadership, leader-member exchange, authentic leadership, servant leadership, self-leadership, shared and distributed leadership, identity theory, and the value of emotions and affect—to provide a comprehensive look at the many facets of effective leadership. Practical and fun to read, the book incorporates personal reflections and current business examples to bring the theories of organizational leadership to life. In addition, engaging and relevant "Put it in Practice" features help students see how they can apply the leadership research to their own work lives, while leadership cases throughout demonstrate how real leaders have succeeded by applying the leadership principles discussed in the book. Written in a conversational style, the book is concise enough to be used in a case- or course pack-oriented course or in a modular program.

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