The Marginal Teacher: A Step-by-Step Guide to Fair Procedures for Identification and Dismissal | 3rd Edition

ISBN-13: 9781412914741
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Details about The Marginal Teacher: A Step-by-Step Guide to Fair Procedures for Identification and Dismissal:
Simplify complicated teacher dismissals by doing your homework! Are you faced with the difficult task of teacher evaluations? Does the burden of proof fall to you in cases of teacher dismissals? For over a decade, principals have turned to The Marginal Teacher as a resource for ensuring instructional competency in their schools. This third edition of The Marginal Teacher offers timely solutions for successfully dealing with marginal teachers. Lawrence illustrates the proper actions that principals should integrate into the evaluation processes to successfully gather documentation to help improve or terminate an ineffective teacher. Complete with tools and resources to streamline the evaluation process, you′ll find: An updated PC or Mac CD-ROM with customizable forms, checklists, calendars, and teacher dismissal documentation Understanding the evaluation process, procedures, policies, and new legislation Handling nontenured teacher dismissal Integrating classroom observation techniques Dealing with teacher misconduct Incorporating action steps for conducting the school level dismissal meeting Let this time-tested guide ease the difficult task of teacher dismissal.