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Intermediate Accounting: Reporting and Analysis | 3 Edition

Compare Textbook Prices for Intermediate Accounting: Reporting and Analysis 3 Edition ISBN 9781337788281 by Wahlen, James,Jones, Jefferson,Pagach, Donald
Authors: Wahlen, James,Jones, Jefferson,Pagach, Donald
ISBN-13: 9781337788281
List Price: $79.47 (up to 64% savings)
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Details about Intermediate Accounting: Reporting and Analysis:

Today's financial accounting is continuously changing. Now, you have a resource to help you understand the importance of accounting information and how that information is critical to others in business today with Wahlen/Jones/Pagach's INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING, 3E. Positive examples and cases from familiar companies, such as Starbucks, Coca-Cola, Apple, Louis Vuitton and Nestlé, reinforce the book's unique, approachable perspective. You see the power of financial accounting information for investors, creditors and other stakeholders. This edition's in-depth coverage also clearly addresses the latest accounting standards.
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Richard H.
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Education: Washington DC
Major: Top Rated Accounting, World History Tutor

Hello! My name is Rich. As a teacher and military officer, I have experience working with a wide variety of age groups, skill levels, and motivation levels. I pride myself on finding the right approach that best suits a particular student. After com... Read more

Hello! My name is Rich. As a teacher and military officer, I have experience working with a wide variety of age groups, skill levels, and motivation levels. I pride myself on finding the right approach that best suits a particular student. After com... Read more

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