Methods and Strategies for Teaching Students with High Incidence Disabilities | 2 Edition

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Authors: Boyle, Joseph,Scanlon, David
ISBN-13: 9781337566148
List Price: $78.71 (up to 25% savings)
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Details about Methods and Strategies for Teaching Students with High Incidence Disabilities:

Students in a typical special education methods course are often presented with and overwhelmed by myriad techniques, leaving them with insufficient opportunities to practice and reflect on covered practices. In addition, students are often uncertain how to apply the techniques in teaching situations. METHODS AND STRATEGIES FOR TEACHING STUDENTS WITH HIGH INCIDENCE DISABILITIES: A CASE-BASED APPROACH uses a more focused and integrated approach than other available texts. Each chapter presents a limited number of techniques (five to seven) in detail. The authors demonstrate effective teaching methods and techniques through application activities, anchor content around case studies, and offer an overview of techniques not covered in detail. Information addressing culturally, economically, linguistically, and ethnically diverse learners, among others, is integrated throughout.

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