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Financial Analysis with Microsoft Excel 2016, 8E | 8 Edition

Compare Textbook Prices for Financial Analysis with Microsoft Excel 2016, 8E 8 Edition ISBN 9781337298049 by Mayes, Timothy,Shank, Todd
Authors: Mayes, Timothy,Shank, Todd
ISBN-13: 9781337298049
List Price: $83.00 (up to 94% savings)
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Details about Financial Analysis with Microsoft Excel 2016, 8E:

Take your spreadsheet skills to a new level of proficiency! Giving you hands-on experience solving real financial problems, Mayes/Shank's FINANCIAL ANALYSIS WITH MICROSOFT® EXCEL® 2016, 8E, equips you with a solid foundation in corporate finance while helping you maximize the tools professionals use every day. Packed with examples, the text covers today's most important corporate finance topics, including financial statements, budgets, the Security Market Security Line, pro forma financial statements, cost of capital, VBA programming, and Pivot Tables. It also offers the latest on time series forecasting and the new Get & Transform feature (formerly known as Power Query), which helps you process large data files. A reader-friendly, self-directed learning approach and numerous study tools enable you to quickly build upon or transfer skills from other spreadsheet programs -- empowering you with the expertise today's employers want.

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