Culture and Values: A Survey of the Humanities, Volume II | 9 Edition

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Authors: Cunningham, Lawrence,Reich, John,Fichner-Rathus, Lois
ISBN-13: 9781337102667
List Price: $43.99 (up to 35% savings)
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Details about Culture and Values: A Survey of the Humanities, Volume II:

CULTURE AND VALUES: A SURVEY OF THE HUMANITIES, NINTH EDITION, takes you on a tour of some of the world's most interesting and significant examples of art, music, philosophy, and literature, from the beginnings of civilization to today. Chapter previews, timelines, glossaries of key terms, Compare + Contrast, new Connections and Culture & Society features, and "Big Picture" reviews all help make it easy for you to learn the material and study more effectively. Links to full readings and playlists of the music selections discussed in your text are available online in MindTap, where you will also find study resources and such tools as image flashcards, guides to research and writing, practice quizzes and exercises, and more.

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