American Politics Today | Core Eighth Edition

ISBN-13: 9781324040101
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Details about American Politics Today:
The concepts of democracy, liberty, and equality are central to understanding how American politics works. But not all citizens experience the same opportunities for equality in these areas. The playing field is not even. The Eighth Edition of American Politics Today features a collaboration with two experts in teaching and learning, Cassandra Khatri (Lone Star College, University Park) and Cory Colby (Lone Star College, Tomball) to bring best-practices for engaging all students in the discussion of American government. By enhancing the proven nut and bolts focus of the explanations with new pedagogy they help students draw connections between their reading assignments, their lived experiences, and American government. With a new, supportive and motivational ebook experience, and robust online resources, instructors have the flexibility to build a course pathway keyed to the unique needs of their students, creating a more equal opportunity for all to succeed.