Creative Climate Communications: Productive Pathways for Science, Policy and Society | 1 Edition

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Author: Boykoff, Maxwell
ISBN-13: 9781316646823
List Price: $39.10 (up to 79% savings)
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Details about Creative Climate Communications: Productive Pathways for Science, Policy and Society:

Conversations about climate change at the science-policy interface and in our lives have been stuck for some time. This handbook integrates lessons from the social sciences and humanities to more effectively make connections through issues, people, and things that everyday citizens care about. Readers will come away with an enhanced understanding that there is no 'silver bullet' to communications about climate change; instead, a 'silver buckshot' approach is needed, where strategies effectively reach different audiences in different contexts. This tactic can then significantly improve efforts that seek meaningful, substantive, and sustained responses to contemporary climate challenges. It can also help to effectively recapture a common or middle ground on climate change in the public arena. Readers will come away with ideas on how to harness creativity to better understand what kinds of communications work where, when, why, and under what conditions in the twenty-first century.

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