Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft Office 365 & Excel 2016: Introductory, Spiral bound Version Illustrated Course Guides | 1 Edition

Compare Textbook Prices for Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft Office 365 & Excel 2016: Introductory, Spiral bound Version Illustrated Course Guides 1 Edition ISBN 9781305878495 by Reding, Elizabeth,Wermers, Lynn
Authors: Reding, Elizabeth,Wermers, Lynn
ISBN-13: 9781305878495
List Price: $60.57 (up to 51% savings)
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Details about Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft Office 365 & Excel 2016: Introductory, Spiral bound Version Illustrated Course Guides:

Loved for its visual and flexible approach to building computer skills, the ILLUSTRATED COURSE GUIDE: MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 & EXCEL 2016: INTRODUCTORY is the ideal resource for learning Microsoft Excel 2016, regardless of the reader’s experience level. Each two-page spread focuses on a single skill, making information easy to follow and absorb. The ILLUSTRATED COURSE GUIDE divides important Microsoft Excel 2016 concepts and skills into three manageable levels -- Introductory, Intermediate, and Advanced -- making it perfect for readers to master the skills needed in any working or learning environment.
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