Premium Web Site, 1 term 6 months Printed Access Card for Osgood/Hinshaw's Cengage Advantage Books: Visual Storytelling: Videography and Post Production in the Digital Age, 2nd | 2 Edition

ISBN-13: 9781285426686
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Details about Premium Web Site, 1 term 6 months Printed Access Card for Osgood/Hinshaw's Cengage Advantage Books: Visual Storytelling: Videography and Post Production in the Digital Age, 2nd:
Please check the ISBN that your instructor provided. If the ISBN-13 does not match this product (9781285426693) or its Printed Access Card equivalent (9781285426686) this may not be the correct product. In some cases, you may also require a course code from your Instructor.
Illustrating audio and visual concepts that may be difficult to understand on the pages of a book, this accompanying Premium Website adds measurable quality to your learning experience. Fully interactive, the website provides tools that allow you to manipulate various technical elements to see how various concepts contribute to storytelling. The website also hosts production forms, checklists, and other materials that you will use during and after the course.