Health Policy Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Approach: An Interdisciplinary Approach | 4 Edition

ISBN-13: 9781284279955
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Details about Health Policy Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Approach: An Interdisciplinary Approach:
Drawing from the perspectives of a variety of disciplines, this innovative text is unlike any others of its kind. Health Policy Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Fourth Edition analyzes current U.S. health policy and proposes various alternatives for developing future health policy without pushing a single solution set—rather, it considers the viewpoints of health economics, political science, health technology assessment, evaluation, and health services research. Expanded to cover the entire health policy cycle, the Fourth Edition is organized into five sections, beginning with an exploration of the current and historical issues with the U.S. healthcare system and consideration of the alternatives for future policy that have strong support. It then reviews the political processes that influence planning in various healthcare settings; presents the accepted methods of economic and financial analysis; and addresses the ethical and other value considerations that must factor into