Personal Health: A Public Health Perspective with Navigate Advantage Access: A Public Health Perspective | 2 Edition

Compare Textbook Prices for Personal Health: A Public Health Perspective with Navigate Advantage Access: A Public Health Perspective 2 Edition ISBN 9781284261431 by Kiely, Michele,Manze, Meredith,Palmedo, Chris
Authors: Kiely, Michele,Manze, Meredith,Palmedo, Chris
ISBN-13: 9781284261431
List Price: $64.45 (up to 13% savings)
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Details about Personal Health: A Public Health Perspective with Navigate Advantage Access: A Public Health Perspective:

Written to guide students developing healthy lifestyles while helping them better understand the policy decisions that encourage health, Personal Health: A Public Health Perspective uniquely provides information about individual health topics – including those of great interest and relevance to college-aged students – while presenting them in the context of community and global health. Thoroughly updated to reflect current statistics, research, treatments, and more, the Second Edition also includes coverage of COVID-19, including its impact on mental health; expanded coverage of the social determinants of health and health inequities; new material on violence prevention including sexual assault and gun control; different ways to approach healthy eating and helpful tips on incorporating exercise; and much more. Filled with examples from social media, websites, and the popular press as well as peer-reviewed publications, the Second Edition also is enlivened with numerous features.

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