Ultrasound for Advanced Practitioners in Pregnancy and Women’s Health | 1 Edition

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Author: Menihan, Cydney Afriat
ISBN-13: 9781284168457
List Price: $68.99 (up to 52% savings)
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Details about Ultrasound for Advanced Practitioners in Pregnancy and Women’s Health:

Ultrasound for Advanced Practitioners in Pregnancy and Women’s Health is an indispensable resource for midwives, women’s health nurse practitioners, OB/GYN physician assistants, nurses, and students. Using a scope of practice approach, it addresses specific clinical applications of ultrasound technology in all aspects of women’s health care. Developed by an advanced practitioner for advanced practitioners, this text includes the basics of ultrasound technology, step-by-step illustrations, more than 100 ultrasound images, and study questions. What’s more, it is also an ideal reference to prepare for the newly developed Midwife Sonography Certificate administered by the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS).

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