Invitation to Oceanography | 7 Edition

ISBN-13: 9781284057072
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Details about Invitation to Oceanography:
The bestselling Invitation to Oceanography continues to provide a modern, comprehensive, and student-friendly introduction to this fascinating field. Spanning the four major divisions of ocean science—geology, chemistry, physics, and biology— it is an ideal text for majors and nonmajors alike. The Seventh Edition has been updated with sophisticated and cutting-edge graphics and photos throughout, and includes trending content on climate change, Superstorm/Hurricane Sandy, and the tsunami in Japan. Updated and expanded feature boxes reinforce key concepts and support knowledge building, and additional information on current research and the clinical and practical applications of oceanography contextualize scientific ideas within a real-world framework. Accessible yet substantive, Invitation to Oceanography, Seventh Edition is the ideal resource for anyone diving into the thrilling depths of the world’s oceans.