CompTIA Server+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide, Second Edition Exam SK0-005 | 2 Edition

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Details about CompTIA Server+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide, Second Edition Exam SK0-005:

This exam-focused study guide contains complete coverage of every topic on the current edition of the CompTIA Server certification exam This highly effective self-study resource fully prepares you for the latest version of CompTIA’s Server certification exam. The book shows how to implement server-based hardware and software. In keeping with the All-in-One philosophy, this guide serves both as a study guide and as a valuable on-the-job reference. Written by an IT expert and experienced author, CompTIA Server Certification All-in-One Exam Guide, Second Edition (Exam SK0-005) contains step-by-step exercises, special “Exam Watch” and “On the Job” sections, and “Two-Minute Drills” that reinforce and teach practical skills. Self-tests throughout contain accurate practice questions along with detailed explanations of both the correct and incorrect answer choices. Contains 100% coverage of every objective for exam SK0-005 Online content includes hundreds of accurate practice questions Includes a 10% off the exam voucher discount coupon—a $32 value

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I went to Cornell University for a B.S. and Master's in Electrical and Computer Engineering and to UCSD for a PhD in Computer Science (Distributed Systems, Networking). I've tutored in various subjects for years, including test-based tutoring (such as the SAT or GRE or the algebra II final that some school districts require for graduation) as well as general tutoring - help through the course of a year or semester in Algebra, Calculus, Geometry, etc. I have also worked extensively with student ... Read more

I went to Cornell University for a B.S. and Master's in Electrical and Computer Engineering and to UCSD for a PhD in Computer Science (Distributed Systems, Networking). I've tutored in various subjects for years, including test-based tutoring (such as the SAT or GRE or the algebra II final that some school districts require for graduation) as well as general tutoring - help through the course of a year or semester in Algebra, Calculus, Geometry, etc. I have also worked extensively with student ... Read more

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