Organizational Behavior for School Leadership: Leveraging Your School for Success | 1 Edition

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Authors: Kaplan, Leslie S.,Owings, William A.
ISBN-13: 9781138948709
List Price: $74.63 (up to 16% savings)
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Details about Organizational Behavior for School Leadership: Leveraging Your School for Success:

Organizational Behavior for School Leadership provides a theoretical and practical framework to help emerging leaders build the mental models they need to be effective. Presenting traditional, modern, and contemporary perspectives, each chapter offers opportunities for readers to reflect on the ideas and apply their leadership perspective and skills to their own work settings. In this way, this important book helps graduate students in educational leadership understand organizational situations and circumstances, an essential step in making appropriate decisions about people, school operations, and the community that generate improved student and teacher outcomes. Special features include: Guiding questions—chapter openers to initiate student thinking. Case studies and companion rubrics—engage students in applying content to real-life school scenarios with guiding rubrics to help think through answers. Reflections and relevance—interactive learning activities, simulations, and graphic assignments deepen readers' understanding. PSEL Standards—each chapter aligns with the 2015 Professional Standards for Educational Leaders. Companion website—includes case studies and rubrics, supplementary materials, additional readings, and PowerPoint slides for instructors.

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