Legal Issues in Special Education: Principles, Policies, and Practices | 1 Edition

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Authors: Brady, Kevin,Russo, Charles,Dieterich, Cynthia,Osborne Jr, Allan
ISBN-13: 9781138323308
List Price: $46.31 (up to 3% savings)
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Details about Legal Issues in Special Education: Principles, Policies, and Practices:

Legal Issues in Special Education provides teachers and school administrators with a clearly written, well-organized, and understandable guide from the perspective of the practitioner without formal legal training. Even though over 50 percent of students with disabilities are now educated in general education classes, most teachers are not required to complete coursework in special education law and can unwittingly expose themselves and their schools to liability for violating the rights of students with disabilities. This practitioner’s guide explicitly addresses the major issues and legal complexities educators inevitably face when dealing with special education legal and policy issues. Using case-based learning to synthesize important legal concepts and principles from leading special education legal cases, this text guides educators, administrators, and parents alike toward a thorough understanding of, and the ability to navigate, many of the current and pressing legal concerns in special education.

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