Forensic Psychology BPS Textbooks in Psychology | 3 Edition

ISBN-13: 9781119673545
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Details about Forensic Psychology BPS Textbooks in Psychology:
Explore the theory, research, and practice of forensic psychology with this collection of resources from recognized leaders in the field
The newly revised Third Edition of Forensic Psychology delivers insightful coverage of the theory and applications of forensic psychology. The book combines authoritative scholarship with an unprecedented breadth of international coverage and constitutes an essential resource for all aspects of contemporary forensic and criminal psychology.
The new edition addresses issues of equality, diversity, and inclusion in each section, as well as the uses and abuses of power in forensic contexts. The book takes a constructively critical approach to the dominant theories, policy, and practices of today, as opposed to being merely descriptive, and considers new and developing areas, like the prevention of sexual violence at universities.
Forensic Psychology comprehensively addresses the application of modern forensic techniques and practices to the civil and criminal justice systems in the United Kingdom. Each chapter concludes with some specific suggestions for further reading. Additionally, readers will enjoy the inclusion of a wide variety of topics, like:
- A thorough discussion of investigative and clinical practice, including the politics of forensic psychology, offender profiling, eyewitness testimony, and jury decision making
- An examination of clinical and risk assessments, including reviews of the key legal issues and principles involved in risk assessments, the role of structured instruments and protocols, and coverage of actuarial and structured clinical methods
- Discussions of working with criminalized populations in prisons and forensic mental health facilities
- A treatment of psychology in the courts with an emphasis on the courts of England and Wales
Perfect for graduate level students in forensic psychology courses, Forensic Psychology will also earn a place in the libraries of qualified forensic psychologist practitioners and postgraduate students seeking to improve their understanding of forensic psychology with a high-quality international textbook underpinned by considerations of human rights and ethical standards.