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Design Drawing | 3 Edition

Compare Textbook Prices for Design Drawing 3 Edition ISBN 9781119508595 by Ching, Francis D. K.,Juroszek, Steven P.
Authors: Ching, Francis D. K.,Juroszek, Steven P.
ISBN-13: 9781119508595
List Price: $55.16 (up to 39% savings)
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Details about Design Drawing:


Hand drawing is an integral part of the design process and central to the architecture profession. An architect's precise interpretation and freedom of expression are captured through hand drawing, and it is perhaps the most fundamental skill that the designer must develop in order to communicate thoughts and ideas effectively. In his distinctive style, world-renowned author Francis D. K. Ching presents Design Drawing, Third Edition, the classic guide to hand drawing that clearly demonstrates how to use drawing as a practical tool for formulating and working through design problems. While digital tools continue to evolve, this Third Edition includes new illustrations and information on the latest digital-drawing techniques.

Design Drawing, Third Edition covers the basics of drawing, including line, shape, tone, and space. Guiding the reader step-by-step through the entire drawing process, this Third Edition also examines different types of drawing techniques such as multiview, paraline, and perspective drawings--and reveals how the application of these techniques creates remarkable results. In addition, Design Drawing, Third Edition:

• Features over 1,500 hand drawings--stunning illustrations in the author's signature style that reinforce the concepts and lessons of each chapter

• Offers new exercises and illustrative examples that range in complexity

• Presents all-new digital drawing topics, such as hybrid floor plans, digital models and fabrication, and hand-to-digital fluency

• Includes access to a new website featuring videos of the author demonstrating freehand techniques in a step-by-step manner in the studio and on location

Written and illustrated for professional architects, designers, fine artists, illustrators, instructors and students, Design Drawing, Third Edition is an all-in-one package and effective tool that clearly demonstrates drawing concepts and techniques in a visually stimulating format that outshines other works in the field.

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Stephanie P.
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Education: Austin TX
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I earned my bachelor's degree in Interior Design, Business, and Textile Science from the University of Wisconsin at Madison, and went on to study Historic Preservation and Architecture at the University of Texas at Austin, where I earned my Master of Science degree. All my studies involved a lot of research and writing, along with public speaking, study of general and art history, and using logic and reasoning. When I am tutoring, I prefer to use a "learning lab" format, where my student and I discuss the material using critical thinking. I find it important to get to know my students enough so I can present the material in such a way that it resonates with them on an individual... Read more

I earned my bachelor's degree in Interior Design, Business, and Textile Science from the University of Wisconsin at Madison, and went on to study Historic Preservation and Architecture at the University of Texas at Austin, where I earned my Master of Science degree. All my studies involved a lot of research and writing, along with public speaking, study of general and art history, and using logic and reasoning. When I am tutoring, I prefer to use a "learning lab" format, where my student and I discuss the material using critical thinking. I find it important to get to know my students enough so I can present the material in such a way that it resonates with them on an individual... Read more

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