An Introduction to Social Psychology BPS Textbooks in Psychology | 7 Edition

ISBN-13: 9781119486268
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Details about An Introduction to Social Psychology BPS Textbooks in Psychology:
This definitive resource in social psychology includes engaging study tools designed to help students grasp the underlying theories and the latest research in the field.
In the 7th edition of An Introduction to Social Psychology, students will discover a wealth of tools to help them understand the theories and fundamental knowledge in the ever-evolving field of social psychology. With contributions leading psychologists, this feature-rich edition includes Theory Boxes, Research Close-ups, and Lab Boxes to help cement students’ understanding of the study material.
This essential study guide has been engaging and educating students on social psychology theories and research for over 34 years. For students entering into the world of social psychology for the first time, this book covers foundational topics, such as:
● The history of social psychology throughout Europe
● Updated research methods and newly developed theories
● In-depth looks at social cognition, aggression, prosocial behavior, and relationships
● Strategies for changing attitude and behavior
● Critical study materials for multiple-choice testing
The combination of traditional academic study with cohesion of topics, accessibility of material, and pedagogy in this 7th edition makes it a definitive resource for both instructors and beginning psychology students alike.