The Center for Creative Leadership Handbook of Coaching in Organizations J-B CCL Center for Creative Leadership | 1 Edition

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Authors: Riddle, Douglas,Hoole, Emily R.,Gullette, Elizabeth C. D.
ISBN-13: 9781118841488
List Price: $61.19 (up to 29% savings)
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Details about The Center for Creative Leadership Handbook of Coaching in Organizations J-B CCL Center for Creative Leadership:

This book will extend CCLs leadership coaching contribution to professionals working within organizations and those who consult to them, including human resource, learning and development, and organizational development leaders. It will provide guidance on two key functions of these leaders: providing direct coaching services within their organizations and leading and managing the systems and programs of coaching. In addition, this book will address the issues associated with initiating and leading the broad range of coaching-based services used in most large organizations, such as mentoring programs, peer-coaching, use of internal professional coaches, and managing pools of external professional executive coaches or dealing with coaching suppliers. The authors will show readers how to create the right programs for maximum impact within the budgets available.

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