Introduction to Health Promotion | 1 Edition

ISBN-13: 9781118455296
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Details about Introduction to Health Promotion:
Introduction to Health Promotion covers foundations of health promotion, health education, and disease prevention. It gives readers a working knowledge of health promotion concepts and methods and their application to health and health behaviors. The book places special emphasis on the philosophical and theoretical foundations of health promotion, specific theories of health promotion, and how understanding health behavior theory can assist individual to global health and wellness. Written by a professor with 20 years' experience teaching this topic and conducting research in the field, this book covers the key words and terms important to or frequently used in health promotion such as health, wellness, disease prevention, health disparity. It discusses the philosophical foundations of health promotion, and the history of health and health promotion. It explains how health and health status are measured, and how to apply behavior change theories and planning models commonly used in the field of health promotion. It also covers demographic and societal changes that will influence future health promotion, as well as how to research and write about current issues regarding health and health promotion, such as nutrition, physical activity, immunizations, etc as part of a group. A chapter is dedicated to professions and credentials available in the health promotion field. Contents: Chapter 1. Introduction to the field of health promotion; Define and discuss health promotion; Define and distinguish health education; Define public health and where health promotion meets public health; Identify health trends over the past fifty/sixty years; Discuss the social determinants of health; Discuss how the social and physical environments have changed over the decades and how these changes influence individual and societal health.; Identify the number of different disciplines that intersect with health promotion; Discuss health care reform and its focus on prevention Chapter 2. Physical activity trends; Define physical activity; recommended levels, and different types; note the difference between recreation and fitness level activities.; Benefits of physical activity related to chronic disease and obesity; Trends of physical activity across age groups; Identify the changes in the environment that have altered physical activity patterns.; Discuss the changes in the US culture noting the increasing number of fitness centers, road races, walks for charities as methods for increasing physical activity time; Discuss physical activity education programs as part of schools, communities, and worksite programs for employees; Discuss physical activity policies that promote increasing the behavior such as safe sidewalks, bike lanes, school policies that require students reach a set amount of physical education time. Chapter 3. Nutrition behaviors; Define nutrition behaviors; Discuss multiple nutrition behaviors connected to chronic disease.; Discuss research on the benefits of healthful eating to manage chronic disease; Identify the trends of nutrition behaviors and the focus on obesity.; Discuss the changes in the US culture noting the supply side of food, larger stores, portion sizes, availability, notion of processed foods; Discuss the changes that are occurring that highlights positive trends for healthful eating, such as farmers markets,; Identify nutrition education programs as part of schools, communities, and worksite programs for employees; Discuss nutrition policies that promote improving the targeted nutrition behavior such as food labeling, improving school meals, menu labeling, and other policies. Chapter 4. Smoking behaviors; Identify the trends in smoking both cigarettes, smokeless tobacco; Discuss the chronic diseases related to smoking; How smoking trends have changed over time.; Discuss the changes in the US culture noting the attitudes towards smoking; tobacco marketing,; Discuss the changes that are occurring that highlights positive environmental trends for non-smokers; Identify smoking cessation programs as part of schools, communities, and worksite programs for employees; Discuss smoking policies that promote improving the environment to protect non-smokers, such as Clean Indoor Air Act, marketing around schools Chapter 5. Mental health/stress management; Identify the trends in mental and emotional health; Discuss the chronic diseases related to stress; Discuss how stressors have changed over time.; Discuss the changes in the US culture such as yoga practices, mindfulness, time management; Identify stress management programs as part of schools, communities, and worksite programs for employees; Discuss policies that promote improving the environment to address stress in the schools, colleges, worksites. Chapter 6. Preventive services/actions; Identify the trends in preventive services and actions (cancer screenings, use of condoms); Discuss how preventive services impacts on chronic disease rates; How preventive services have changed over time.; Discuss the changes in the US health care system to promote routine screenings.; Identify preventive services programs as part of schools, communities, and worksite programs for employees; Discuss policies that promote increases in the number of preventive services being given, such as with the health care reform. Chapter 7. Health behavior change theories (connected with health promotion programs discussed in chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6); Social cognitive theory; Transtheoretical model of behavior change; Health belief model; Theory of planned behavior Chapter 8. Assessment and planning models (Each planning model will be discussed and examples from the literature will be used to demonstrate how these planning models are used to implement programs. Emphasis will be placed on assessment and evaluation.); Precede proceed model; Social marketing model; Social ecological model Chapter 9. Settings for health promotion (Specific examples will be given and specific programs will be highlighted.) Worksites (health coaching, use of incentives, online programs); Schools (policies and programs for students and teachers); Communities (hospital programs; community-based programming); Health care (health coaching Faith based; Colleges/universities (risk reduction); Early childhood programs; Disabled Chapter 10. Local, state, and national activities. Discuss history of Healthy People with an emphasis on Healthy People 2020; Identify the work of the federal government such as ODPHP, CDC, NIH, to provide guidance and programs that promote health; include examples of social marketing campaigns such as VERB; Discuss different surveillance surveys and activities that monitor the health of the US (BRFSS; NHANES); Non-governmental organizations that work to promote health Chapter 11. Professional organizations, certification and journals; Professional associations (American College of Sports Medicine; American Public Health Association; Society of Nutrition Education and Behavior; National Wellness Council; Institute of Health and Productivity; Society of Public Health Education);; Journals (American Journal of Public Health; American Journal of Health Promotion; Journal of School Health; American Journal of Health Education); Health-related associations (American Heart Association; American Cancer Society; American Lung Association); Certifications (Certified health education specialist; Fitness-based certifications for group exercise; American College of Sports Medicine; Certified Nutrition Specialist; Academic program certifications) Chapter 12. Trends and Challenges in health promotion policy and practice; Societal trends; Demographic changes; Social media trends; Integration of health promotion into all sectors; Health Care Reform; Social networking and media