Smart Communities: How Citizens and Local Leaders Can Use Strategic Thinking to Build a Brighter Future Essential Texts for Nonprofit and Public Leadership and Management | 2 Edition

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Author: Morse, Suzanne W.
ISBN-13: 9781118427002
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Details about Smart Communities: How Citizens and Local Leaders Can Use Strategic Thinking to Build a Brighter Future Essential Texts for Nonprofit and Public Leadership and Management:

Based on the results of more than a decade of research by the Pew Partnership for Civic Change, Smart Communities outlines seven "leverage points" for decision-making used by thousands of leaders who have worked to create successful communities. These leverage points, which are still relevant today, form the foundation of the book and are vividly illustrated through examples from communities around the country. The revision plan for the book is informed by several factors including 1) the evolution of the design thinking that underlies the use of strategy; 2) the impact of social media, technology and increased access to information 3) greater clarity about the role of and processes for innovation. In addition to being updated in line with current knowledge and research, all case vignettes will be rewritten to include more detailed information about the process and application of the seven leverage points. The number of cases will be reduced to two to three per chapter in order to provide more depth within each case which will include the evolution of the problem and how the specific leverage point i.e., Working Together, made the difference in the outcome. There will be two or three new cases that illustrate how all seven leverage points used together created a new synergy for change. A rewritten Chapter 1 will feature current design thinking and strategy literature and will provide context for the argument that communities can still control their fate if they act not just react. A new final chapter (previously Inventing a Brighter Future) will cover innovation and invention in communities. The short how to get started sections at the end of the chapters will be moved to an Appendix that will summarize the seven leverage points and provide step by step guidance for beginning the transformation process in a community. The Appendix will also include additional readings, resources and worksheets. Chapter 1--Setting the Stage for Community Change: Strategy MattersAdd the regional perspective to include mega regions but also new constellations of cities and counties working togetherUnder the New Ways of Working heading, discuss new advances in change and design theory particularly as it relates to community and program develostrategy Chapter 2--Investing Right the First TimeAdd new research on investing in next generation issues like early childhood education, prenatal care, and environmental preservation particularly the work of Nobel Laureate James Hickman on the importance of early childhood education to long-term economic outcomesInclude a discussion of the importance of prevention over remedy in economic and social costsAdditional examples of the results of early investing Chapter 3--Working TogetherUpdate existing cases and add a few more particularly from parts of the country most effected by the economic downturnInclude new research on the community networks as a basis for collaboration Chapter 4--Building on Community StrengthsBuild out the notion of asset-based community development using new cases on ways that communities have defined their assets and their deficits in new ways. Focus particularly on small and mid-size cities that have been hard hit by changing roadways, global competition, and a shift away from manufacturingAdd a discussion of the new research on place-conscious development Chapter 5--Practicing DemocracyInclude a section on the impact of social media on democratic practice--ways that it can be used to bring citizens together. Also, the impact of immigration and the emergence of young voters call for new ways to find common ground on critical issues facing communities. Will also cover the implications of social media use, technology and access to information as well as globalization. Chapter 6--Preserving the PastAdd a section on cultural stories of communities and the importance of using and recognizing cultural context in the revitalization of communities. Chapter 7--Growing New LeadersInclude discussion of methods for building the capacity of citizens to make decisionsAdd a section on the new leadership paradigm in the globalization period. Chapter 8--Creating an Innovative Community: A Culture of Positive Change (NEW CHAPTER)Expand to include an in-depth discussion of systems and design thinking and community innovation research using new examples and cases that illustrate this new way of thinking.

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